Saturday, March 28, 2020

Virtual Teaching Rules & Expectations

Second Grade Rules & Expectations

1.         Students MUST be in their school uniform. They may wear their P.E. uniform on Tuesday and Thursday.

2.       Students need to be in a quiet space.

a.       Television should be off.
b.      There should be no siblings next to them.
c.       No cell phones.
d.      No eating during class time unless we call for snack or lunch.

3.       Parents should only be there to assist their child with logging in and setting up audio. Once your child is logged in, please let this time be between the class and I as it would be during a normal school day.

4.       Students need ALL materials before we begin the school day.
a.       Pencils.
b.      Notebooks.

5.         Your child should NOT be using the chat room option unless specified from the teacher. If we see students chatting with one another during learning time, they will risk being removed from our classroom. Mrs. Miller will be checking into classrooms to ensure that your child is acting appropriately. PLEASE REMEMBER THESE LESSONS ARE BEING RECORDED. 
PLEASE Print and reinforce all of these rules and expectations with your children.

We are excited to make online learning fun and motivating for all of our students.

The Second Grade Team.

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